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Condenser evaporator

You may have realized that in appliances such as fridges or air-conditioners there is a component known as the SJEA condenser evaporator located in your home. This is the key component in maintaining your room cool or keeping your foods cold as it does transfer of heat. However, what is it exactly a condenser evaporator and how does it work? Now, it is time to get started on learning the fundamentals of these structures.  

The evaporator aircon is an important heat exchanger in a refrigeration or HVAC system that pulls the heat out of something - space/product and dumps it into its surrounding environment. This whole process is made possible by a special substance called refrigerant, which can quickly absorb and release heat. When this refrigerant absorbs heat, it changes into gaseous form and when releases the heat again then comes in its liquid state.  

Importance of Condenser Evaporators in HVAC Systems

Just a terribly hot day in the summer where you were desperately trying to cool your house to save face for being lame and not going outside. The refrigerant in the system gets to work on taking heat from inside your room. The now hot gaseous refrigerant then travels to the condenser evaporator, where it is exposed to a cooler outside air. 

Once it gets to the SJEA automotive evaporator, heat is removed from the refrigerant until it once again changes back into a liquid. This is where the heat transfer process takes place as a refrigerant releases that absorbed heat to outer air, resulting in room cooling. The refrigerant begins absorbing the heat inside your room, and in turn condenses into a liquid- it is at this point that the now freed waste lower-energy-temperature gas returns to an AC unit.  

Why choose SJEA Condenser evaporator?

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